How to Price Your Artwork
An art pricing formula to ethically price your creativity that is not location biased, ethnically biased, or gender biased - it is just math!

Art Pricing Secrets
Ethically Pricing Creativity.
The Formula That Works.
- Real-world art pricing examples for Printmakers, Book Illustrators, Traditional and Digital Artists, and Mural Artists.
- Information so you can confidently answer "that seems high"
- Reliable art pricing formula to feel confident in knowing how to set up an effective pricing strategy that works for everyone involved!
It's time to set yourself up with an art price structure worthy of your creativity!
Wondering How The Art Pricing Formula Has Been Used?
Here are just a couple of examples
(there are more in the book)!
USE CASE - for a mural
Artist Jules M. provided the following testimony and use case:
Recently I was requested to provide an estimate for a large mural for an Atlanta based resturant. I initially made a guess based on past experience. The client questioned the estimate and wanted evidence of the cost breakdown. Thankfully I had the Art Pricing Calculator that I had been using for pricing my digital and watercolor art! I entered in the details of the mural project and my experience level (my experience level for murals is lower than my experience with watercolor), and the calculator did it's job! I was able to show a screenshot of the Art Pricing Calculator spreadsheet that showed the calculated wholesale cost, and the retail cost. My initial guestimate was below what was calculated, so the client realized they were getting a deal (and I was cursing myself for not thinking of this sooner!)
Providing evidence like this to potential clients showed that I am not a fly-by-night hobbiest, but rather I am a business woman who knows the value of my art skills. The end result, the client accepted the bid.
The Art Pricing Calculator is amazing!!!
USE CASE - for a digital project
Artist Stephanie C provided the following testimony and use case:
I was new to commissions and I was asked to do a rendering of a house for a real estate agent (it was going to be a gift for the new homeowner). I knew about how long it would take me to create an artistic digital rendering of the house, so I entered those details, my experience level, the cost of printing it onto high-quality watercolor paper, and shipping costs from the printer. I couldn't believe it was that easy! The real estate agent accepted the price and now I've done 6 more for her!
It takes the guesswork out of pricing and it made me think through what all my costs would actually be so I wouldn't lose money. This thing is fantastic!

Hey there! I'm Stephanie Weaver.
I firmly believe artists deserve to get paid for their skillsets. And creating art is a learned skill driven by your passion to express yourself.
After two decades in the art world, I gained insight into how art pricing works - and what a wild ride it was! What became clear is that traditional methods of pricing artwork such as location-based models that rely on square inches are no longer relevant. It's time for artists to chart their own course by forging new paths online; an exciting journey, exploring all the possibilities this brave new world has to offer.
It has taken me years of doing it the wrong way - the way that perpetuates inequality, and subservient to my ‘feelings’ of being an imposter and not good enough - before I finally said “to hell with this, the ‘way that it has always been’ doesn’t work for me!”.
I know that each of you reading this book will be coming from a different place. But my hope is that by sharing what I’ve observed and learned, I can provide you with the information, motivation and inspiration you need to start calculating the price for your artwork with confidence. I hope that you join me in moving forward to get fabulous pay for your fabulous art!
My Credientals
- MBA (Masters in Business Administration) with a concentration in Management Information Systems
- Masters in Project Management with a concentration in eCommerce.
- Worked for IBM, UPS, Kronos, and ADP implementing and managing teams for multi-million dollar projects for 15 years.
- Ran my own successful art business as the Founder of the Positive Painter Art Business Program.
- Co-host on the Artists Soar Podcast.
- 20 years of oil painting experience and provides video and guide oil painting instruction.
- Award winning artist for her Pet Portraits that capture the sparkle in the beloved animal's eyes.